About Us
We are a parish of All Saints of Britain and Ireland, within the Diocese of Sourozh, Moscow Patriarchate. The Diocese in this country was founded by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of blessed memory. The diocese is headed by Bishop Matthew of Sourozh. Our parish clergy: Archpriest Michael Gogoleff, Deacon Sergei Sokolovsky.
We are a multi-ethnic community and Orthodox Christians from various nationalities worship with us. The services are in Church Slavonic (with some English) and may be attended by anyone who is interested, although only Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion at the Divine Liturgy. Services are held at:
St Agatha Church
233 Stratford Road
B11 1QT
One way to make a donation is to make a transfer to our parish account: NATWEST Bank, Russian Orthodox Parish of All Saints, account no. 79718299, sort code 60-03-30.
We have regular Divine Liturgy every Saturday and carry out memorial services (Panihida), every 3rd week of month. Please come and join us.
General or individual confession takes place before Liturgy or during reading the Hours.
See the schedule below for the nearest services, held on Saturdays at 09:30 a.m starting with Hours and followed by Liturgy:
04/01/2025: Forefeast of Nativity of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Liturgy.
11/01/2025:No service.
18/01/2025: Forefeast of Theophany-Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Liturgy. Blessing of water.
25/01/2025: No service!
01/02/2025: St.Mark of Ephesus, Venerable Macarius of Egypt. Liturgy.
08/02/2025: No service!
15/02/2025: No service!
22/02/2025: Diocesan pilgrimage to miraculous icon of Troerucheza of Mount Athos at St.Lazarus church ,Birmingham. Liturgy. Akafist.
01/03/2025: All the Venerable Fathers who shone forth in their feats. Liturgy.
08/03/2025: No service!
Beginning of Great Lent on 03/03/2025.
15/03/2025: Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishopof Cyrenia. Memorial Saturday. Hours. Divine Liturgy. Panikhida by the decision of the servicing priest.
22/03/2025: Third week of Great Lent. Fourty Martyrs of Sebaste. St. Bosa of York (705). Liturgy.
29/03/2025: Fourth week of Great Lent. St.Gregory Dialogos, Pope of Rome (604). Liturgy.
For further information contact Inga Popova, tel: 07465206030.
General confessions are heard before Services, individual confessions are on request after Services. For Baptisms, Wedings and Panikhidas please contact the Priest at least 3 weeks in advance.